How to Improve Website Loading Speed – 5 Useful Tips

Would you like to improve website loading speed of your blog? As a user, you would always want any Blog or Website you are open to having a good loading speed i.e. means open the blog quickly. You do not have to wait 15-20 sec to read the information on it.

Today, in the world of fast internet, users have no patience for bad load speeds or performance websites. If you have time to blog, people will press the back button from your blog and move to another blog. Visitors, as well as Search Engines, also like a blog that has less loading speed time, so in today’s post, I’m going to tell you how to improve website loading speed of the blog.

Importance of Website Load Time

Since 2012, Google has included page-loading speed in its ranking algorithm. The faster your website loads, the greater the user experience. In 2012, Google said only 1% of search engine results by page speed ranking signal had been affected.

In it, Google also mentions that if your blog content is best, then slow load time will not affect your ranking so much. Not only in the search engine rankings but also in the user experience, page speed is of great importance. 

A study has revealed, that 30% of web users will not go back to that website if it takes more than 4 seconds to be site loaded. More than 45% of internet users expect a web page should be loaded within 2 seconds. Keeping this in mind, you have to optimize your blog in a way that is load time to work.

How to check website speed?

Now we have come to know that the loading speed of our blog has to be reduced, but first, we have to know how to check the speed of the site or what is the original loading speed of our site.

Online has many tools like PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom Tools, Web PageTest, etc. This lets you check your blog website speed and report to us with full details about what makes the site load time more.

PageSpeed Insights

You should be aware of Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool, which is the most popular tool to check the speed of websites or blogs. Most bloggers may be aware of or use this tool. Improve website loading speed.

The tool shows how percent optimized your blog speed is for both Desktop and Mobile devices by Analyzing your blog URL. If our website speed slows down, it also gives suggestions on what we should do to improve our page speed. 

There is also a Pagespeed Insights Chrome extension that you can install in your browser and check the speed of the blog very easily.

Here’s how your blog website’s mobile and desktop optimization score is 85% (out of 100%) more, your blog website’s speed is well optimized, and you don’t have to do much.

Pingdom Tools

Pingdom is a popular website that checks web page loading time and lets reports about the overall performance of the site.

How to improve website loading speed?

WordPress blogs with many plugins that make our work easier but bloggers are a Google product that we get limited facilities. You need to work on your own to improve the loading speed of your BlogSpot blog so you have to follow all the suggestions below well.

1: Use fast loading template

The speed of your blog website depends largely on which theme or template is on your website. If you find lots of free and paid templates on the Internet but before using the template, you must read its review to see if it is SEO friendly, fast loading, responsive free, mobile-friendly, or not. 

When you create a blog website, choose a good template that doesn’t have to change frequently in the future and has to use the same template for a long time, because frequent template changes affect the ranking of search engines and there is a lot of risk such as your site is at the top ranking, but if you change your template, so many HTML code changes prevent the site and some gadgets from working properly and you have to do all the settings again in your blog, always use the same template to avoid it.

2: Remove unwanted widgets

Whenever you upload templates to your blogger site, by default some widgets, add to your blogs such as search boxes, Facebook pages, archives, visit counts, tags, featured posts, etc., you will see these sidebars and footwear. The more widgets you use, the more affected your loading speed will be. So remove gadgets that do not need them from your blog.

So you just use the widgets that are more important, such as recent posts, popular posts, social media follow buttons and categories. I use some such select widgets in my blog sidebar, as well as only page widgets in the footer.

3: Minimum posts on the homepage

Keep the number of posts low to reduce the speed of the blog’s homepage and content page. I would advise you to keep 5-6 posts. The more posts you show on the homepage, the longer the website will be loading to improve website loading speed.

4: Compress Images

Images and Thumbnails take a lot of bandwidth to be loaded on your site; more or less, it reduces the loading speed of your blog. You can increase the blog speed by 50% just by properly optimizing or compressing the images.

You will get many tools online for Image compression-like CompressJPEG, and Image Optimizer but I will suggest to you personally the TinyPNG tool I use myself. Using these free tools, you can compress images to 60%. 

How many sizes should the main image be maintained in the Blog post? Does this question also come up here?

Ideally, the less size of the image is good for your blog speed, but within the Blog post, you try to keep the image size maximum of 50kb. I keep images in my blog from 20kb to 30kb to improve website loading speed.

5: Avoid Too Many Ads

Too many ads can slow your site. Generally, you have to put an AdSense Ad unit in every post to ads show within the post on blogger, it is made of ad unit JavaScript, so using too many ads loading speed slows your blog. All five of these steps are important to improve website loading speed.

You can also refer to this post: Search Engine Optimization. Really Work for Rank?

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